5 Tips For Protecting Your Hearing Aids This Summer

Hearing Aids

It’s officially summer and it’s HOT! One sure way to get cool is to spend some time in the water, but that can often present challenges for hearing aid wearers. Learning the basics of protecting your hearing aids from moisture is key to having fun this summer AND protecting your investment.

Protecting Your Hearing Aids Is Simple With These 5 Tips

We all know that new hearing aids aren’t exactly cheap. So, rather than being careless and ruining the ones you already have, here’s how you can make protecting your hearing aids easy:

1. Keep them in a safe, dry place. Being at the pool means you’re almost certain to get wet. And, hearing aids don’t function properly when moisture gets inside their intricate parts. Before you go for a swim, or even if you’re lounging at the pool side, put them in a waterproof case and store them where they won’t accidentally fall in the water. 

2. Use a hearing aid dehumidifier. If you love water sports or often find yourself around water, purchasing a hearing aid dehumidifier can be a smart investment. Whether you forget to take your hearing aids out before diving in the pool, or they simply get wet from your grandchildren splashing around, this device can safely get rid of the moisture. 

3. Use protective accessories. Spandex nylon sleeves make protecting your hearing aids easy by wrapping around the devices and keeping water out. They can also protect against sweat, condensation, and dirt. 

4. Purchase hearing aid insurance. Even if you are diligent about protecting your hearing aids, accidents can and will happen. When you insure your hearing aids, you’ll gain peace of mind and help eliminate expensive surprises that come if you accidentally damage or lose them.

5. Get water-resistant hearing devices. If you’re looking for new hearing aids and you’re often in or around water, purchasing water-resistant aids may be a wise decision. While they won’t prevent allchance of water damage, they can offer greater protection from moisture.

Protect Your Hearing and Your Devices All Year Long

The successful treatment of hearing loss often involves the use of hearing aids. If your audiologist has recommended them for YOU, protecting your hearing aids will help them last longer and work better. That includes protecting them from moisture and debris in the summer AND all year long.

Whether you want recommendations for the best hearing aids, need your current devices adjusted, or have questions about hearing aid care and maintenance, the team at Advanced Hearing Group is here for YOU. 

Simply contact us today to schedule an appointment and we’ll be happy to help you hear well so you can live well!

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6 Reasons to Get a Hearing Test

hearing test

If you lead a busy life, it can be a struggle to prioritize exactly what’s important. It’s easy to let things like work, family, and school take precedence over your own health. Maybe you get a yearly physical, but when was the last time you chose to get a hearing test? If you can’t remember, here are a few reasons why you should schedule one sooner than later:

#1: Prevent Further Hearing Loss

Unlike breaking a leg or getting the flu, hearing loss typically occurs over time, not all at once. This means you may not even realize you have hearing loss. Gradually, it gets worse and you start to notice difficulty hearing.

During this time, you could be further damaging your hearing without even realizing it. Instead, we recommend that you get a hearing test so you have a complete picture of your hearing health. You may be able to prevent hearing loss from worsening by wearing appropriate hearing protection, avoiding some activities, or taking care of other health conditions that impact hearing.

#2: Get a Hearing Test to See How Much You’re Missing

Hearing Test

Since hearing loss often happens gradually, you may not realize exactly how much you’ve been missing. When was the last time you heard the birds chirping? How about hearing your grandchildren’s laughter in the other room? Little things like this may not seem like much, but they add up over time.

With a hearing test, we’re able to determine your type and degree of hearing loss. Then, we can recommend treatment that meets your specific hearing needs. In most cases, we can improve your hearing so you can get back to enjoying all those little things you’ve been missing!

#3: Improve Your Hearing Aid Experience

Perhaps you already wear hearing aids. That’s great, but don’t forget that all hearing devices need periodic adjustments to keep them functioning properly.

When you get a hearing test regularly, your audiologist will be able to determine if your hearing has changed enough to warrant getting new hearing aids. Or, maybe simple adjustments to your current ones will be sufficient. Either way, a hearing test is a great tool for assessing your hearing health at any given time.

#4: You May Be At Risk For Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

While hearing loss often occurs with age, it can stem from other causes as well. For example, noise-induced hearing loss can occur in people of all ages. If you’re regularly exposed to loud noises at your job or from activities like mowing the lawn, listening to music, shooting guns, or using heavy equipment, you could be at risk. A thorough hearing evaluation can give you valuable information about your current hearing health and how to prevent further hearing damage.

#5: Get a Hearing Test to Improve Your Overall Health

Research has shown that people with hearing loss are often more prone to falls, cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease, and more. When you choose hearing loss treatment instead of ignoring it, other areas of your health can improve, too.

#6: Enjoy Better Relationships

When you let hearing loss go untreated, it’s easy for friends and family members to become frustrated.They often have to repeat themselves, misunderstandings are common, and tension can run high. Do yourself and your loved ones a favor by managing your hearing health.

Get a Hearing Test With Our Audiologists Today

The longer you wait, the worse your hearing may become. And, your relationships and other health factors may be affected along the way. Schedule a hearing test with our audiologists today and start on the road to better hearing!

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5 Steps For Successful Treatment of Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss

The successful treatment of hearing loss starts with recognizing that you do, in fact, have a hearing problem. 

  • Do you find it difficult to understand conversations in noisy settings? 
  • Does it sound like people are mumbling?
  • Are you unable to hear high pitched sounds like women’s and children’s voices?
  • Do you have to turn up the volume on the TV or radio to hear well?

If you said ‘yes’ to any of the above, you are experiencing one or more of the most common signs of hearing loss. Rather than waiting until it gets worse, it’s time to take action! 

Treatment of Hearing Loss Starts With These 5 Steps

Just like many other problems in life, treatment of hearing loss can be more successful and sometimes simpler when the problem is recognized and diagnosed early. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) recommends these 5 action steps:

#1: Schedule a hearing evaluation. 

It’s more difficult to solve a problem like hearing loss if you don’t know where you’re starting from. A thorough hearing evaluation by an audiologist will help determine the type and severity of hearing loss you’re experiencing. You never know … your hearing problem could be as simple as too much earwax! Or, it could be more complex. Either way, a hearing test and evaluation of your overall hearing health will provide a clearer picture of where you are and where to go from there.

#2: Pay attention to the audiologist’s recommendations. 

Your audiologist will take the data from the hearing evaluation and combine that with information about your lifestyle to formulate a personal hearing loss treatment plan. This might include anything from hearing aids and assistive listening devices to aural rehabilitation or cochlear implants. It’s important to understand that audiologists are experts in their field and they will typically be able to provide several viable treatment options.

#3: Check if your insurance covers treatment for hearing loss. 

It’s important to have a good understanding of what exactly your health insurance plan covers in terms of hearing healthcare. Some things, like hearing aids, may be covered or partially covered, while others may be excluded altogether. And, it’s important to know what health insurance plans are accepted by your audiologist’s office. Having this information at your disposal can help you make informed decisions about which hearing loss treatment options will fit within your budget.

#4: Do your research. 

What types of hearing aids are you familiar with and which ones do you need to learn more about? Do you have friends or family members who really love the type they have? Check out hearing aid reviews and talk to your audiologist about the opinions of his or her clients. Knowing up front what features are available, what you do and don’t need, and how others feel about the treatment options you’re considering can all contribute to a successful hearing loss treatment experience.

#5: Know what to expect. 

When you get a new pair of eyeglasses, your sight improves immediately. Getting a new set of hearing aids can be a different experience, however. Adjustments may need to be made, your brain may need to acclimate to hearing again, and you’ll need to learn about hearing aid maintenance and care. 

The successful treatment of hearing loss is an ongoing process and one we’re very passionate about. If you’re ready to take action so that YOU can take control of your hearing health, we’re ready to be your partner in action. Simply schedule an appointment today and start your journey toward hearing well and living well!

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How to Teach Kids About Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

noise-induced hearing loss

It’s a noisy planet, there’s no doubt about that. And, unfortunately, that means that the cases of noise-induced hearing loss are on the rise.

To make matters worse, what used to primarily be a problem for adults exposed to loud noises, is now affecting the younger generation. In fact, the World Health Organization now reports that children “may receive more noise at school than workers from an eight-hour work day at a factory.” That’s astounding!

Common Sources of Noise Exposure For Children

Since children typically aren’t hanging out in a loud factory all day, where is the noise actually coming from? Here are the most common culprits:

  • Noisy toys
  • Mowing the lawn
  • Playing musical instruments
  • Attending concerts or sporting events
  • Hanging out at loud social events
  • Recreational activities such as hunting or shooting sports
  • Listening to music through personal headphones or earbuds

Unfortunately, noise-induced hearing loss in kids may be the result of chronic exposure to loud noises over an extended period of time. Since the effects aren’t immediately seen, they often have no idea that their actions are affecting their future hearing health.

How to Prevent Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in Kids

Rather than sit back and allow our children to experience hearing loss at a young age, let’s work together to be part of the solution. The easiest way is to teach them to remember three simple words: Lower … Move … Wear.

  1. Lower the volume. Most kids have personal listening devices these days. Whether they’re listening to movies, videos, games, or music, teach them to turn the volume down.
  2. Move away from the noise source. The farther away they are, the less the effect even loud noises will have on their hearing. If they can’t move a significant distance away from the noise, it’s especially important for them to know about #3 …
  3. Wear appropriate hearing protection. Whether they’re mowing the lawn, attending a concert, or working on an at-home building project, hearing protection should be worn whenever the sound levels reach more than 85 decibels. What’s that sound like? For perspective, let them know that the average conversation is around 60 decibels!

Hearing Education Starts at Home

Preventing noise-induced hearing loss in kids starts with teaching children about it at a very young age. Parents can buy hearing-friendly toys, set volume controls on listening devices, invest in proper hearing protection, and lead by example. When you instill healthy hearing habits in your children early, they will enjoy better hearing later on in life, too.

If you’re ever concerned about noise-induced hearing loss in your child, or any other hearing change for that matter, schedule an appointment with one of our audiologists as soon as possible. Your child’s hearing is too precious to take for granted!

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10 Signs You Need Your Hearing Tested

10 signs you need your hearing tested

Have your friends or loved ones been encouraging you to get your hearing tested? If so, there’s likely a good reason … or even more than one. 

The trouble is, others may recognize your hearing loss before you do. While that may seem annoying, or even none of their business, it’s important to remember that they care about you and have your best interests at heart.

The good news is that it’s not difficult to recognize hearing loss and there IS something you can do about it. You just have to know the common signs and be willing to ask for help.

Hearing Tested

You Should Get Your Hearing Tested If …

  1. You find it troublesome to hear on the telephone. If you keep thinking you have a ‘bad connection’ or that others aren’t speaking up properly on a phone call, the problem could actually be with your hearing.
  1. You have difficulty following multi-person conversations. It can be difficult for anyone to understand a conversation when everyone’s talking at once. But, it shouldn’t be a regular occurrence, especially if there are only two or three people in the conversation.
  1. Others complain that you’ve turned the volume up too high. When you have to consistently turn up the volume on the radio or TV just to be able to hear your favorite show, it’s time to stop and consider that your hearing could be the issue.
  1. Understanding conversation is a strain. Do you have to tilt your ear toward someone speaking? Or, sit forward on the edge of your seat to make sure you don’t miss a word? You shouldn’t have to strain to hear … if you do, you could have hearing loss.
  1. You find it challenging to discern different sounds in noisy places. This could include understanding what your dinner companions are talking about when you eat out at a busy restaurant. Or, perhaps you can’t hear the dog barking over the grandchildren playing at Christmas time.

Getting Your Hearing Tested Is Also a Good Idea If …

  1. You often have to ask others to repeat what they’ve said. What did you say? Can you repeat that? These are common phrases in the vocabulary of people with hearing loss!
  1. Others around you sound like they’re mumbling or speaking quietly. Sure, some people really DO mumble, especially if they’re not wanting to be heard. But, when you think everyone is mumbling, or it happens on a regular occasion, it’s time to get your hearing tested.
  1. You find yourself misunderstanding verbal cues. A good chunk of effective communication is understanding what’s been said. When you do the wrong thing, or take something the wrong way simply because you didn’t hear well, a lot of unexpected things can happen!
  1. It’s difficult to hear high-pitched voices. Hearing loss often starts with losing the ability to hear high frequency sounds like women’s and children’s voices. Getting your hearing tested could show you the exact range and severity of your hearing loss.
  1. People are often annoyed that you didn’t understand them correctly. Misunderstanding someone once in a while is no big deal and it happens to everyone. When it’s a daily occurrence, however, your friends and loved ones are sure to get annoyed and may even let it show!

Recognizing Hearing Loss Is Easier Than You Think

The signs of hearing loss are easy to see once you know what they are. Recognizing that there is, in fact, a problem is the first step, but don’t stop there! Now, it’s time to DO something about it.

If you suspect that your hearing has changed, schedule an appointment to get your hearing tested as soon as possible. The earlier you seek help and get appropriate treatment, the less hearing loss will affect your everyday life. 

Simply give us a call to schedule an appointment with one of our friendly audiologists today and start on your journey toward better hearing!

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How Hearing Aids Help You Stay Young

Hearing Aids

Hearing aids help you stay young.” Do you believe that statement? We do.

Sure, using hearing aids has often been viewed as an inevitable part of growing old. But, it’s not so much about the aging process as it is about preserving quality of life. Regardless of what age you are, if you can’t hear well, you miss out on a lot of things life has to offer.

Let’s take a closer look at what we mean by that …

4 Ways Hearing Aids Help You Stay Young

Your sense of hearing is one of the keys to discovering and interacting with the world around you. When it fails, your daily life is affected because you may misinterpret your surroundings or miss things altogether.

Hearing aids help you stay young by:

  1. Making you feel happier. Picture hanging out with a group of friends. Everyone’s having a great time and chatting up a storm. But, you can’t hear what they’re saying or understand what they’re laughing at. Do you feel left out? Of course! Wearing hearing aids means you won’t miss out on meaningful conversations.
  1. Keeping you socially engaged. When you can hear, you are more likely to actually interact in a conversation or social group. Instead of being a silent bystander, you can contribute and get more out of your relationships.
  1. Slowing cognitive decline. Research has shown that hearing loss is related to cognitive decline as well as conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Why not do what you can to slow or prevent these simply by utilizing hearing aids?
  1. Helping you stay active. Enjoying a healthy, active lifestyle is one way to beat the aging process, or at least slow it down. When you wear hearing aids, instead of living with hearing loss, you’re more likely to get out of the house, travel, and stay active.

Get Familiar With Modern Hearing Aid Technology

If you’re still convinced that wearing hearing aids will make you look or feel old, maybe you haven’t seen the latest in hearing aid technology. They’ve come a long way in the last few decades, in terms of looks and function.

Take Bluetooth hearing aids, for example. They can easily connect to any Bluetooth-enabled device. That means it’s possible to stream music, TV, radio, or cell phone calls directly to your ears … how cool is that? No more turning up the volume just so you can hear while everyone else tells you to turn it down!

Regardless of your age, or whether you truly believe hearing aids will help you stay young, it’s important to catch hearing loss early. That way, it can be treated appropriately so you can continue enjoying a great quality of life.

Schedule an appointment with one of our audiologists today for a baseline hearing test. Or, if you’ve already noticed hearing changes, we can discuss possible courses of action. It’s time to take control of your hearing health so you can hear well and live well! 

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6 Steps to Getting Hearing Aids and Better Hearing

Hearing Aids

As we go through life, we often experience health changes that could trip us up or slow us down. For some, that includes hearing loss. Rather than letting that be the end of the story, you can choose a different path … one that leads to hearing well and living well.

Let’s look at how to get from where you are to where you want to be … 6 simple steps to getting hearing aids and better hearing. As the ancient Chinese proverb says, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Come along, we’ll walk through each one together …

#1: Recognize you have a hearing problem.

There’s simply no way to fix a problem if you don’t even know that one exists. Common signs of  hearing lossinclude:

  • Turning up the volume on the TV, radio, or other electronics
  • Asking others to repeat themselves
  • Thinking that others are ‘mumbling’
  • Difficulty understanding speech, especially in noisy settings

#2: Schedule a hearing test.

If the symptoms in step #1 are familiar to you, there’s a good chance you  have hearing loss. The easiest way to confirm or deny your suspicions is to undergo hearing testing. In-person hearing tests are typically more detailed but a simple online hearing screening can also provide useful information.

#3: Get help from a hearing professional.

If your hearing test reveals that you do have hearing loss, don’t try to figure out a solution on your own. Seek the advice of a hearing professional, such as an audiologist, whose expertise involves helping people find the best hearing loss solutions.

#4: Explore different kinds of hearing aids and accessories.

Many people don’t follow the steps to getting hearing aids simply because they’re picturing large, clumsy hearing devices that provide minimal results. On the contrary, today’s hearing aid technology includes devices that are almost invisible and can even connect to other electronic devices via Bluetooth.

Take the time to explore all the different hearing aid options available to you, as well as any accessories that may come with them. And, don’t be afraid to ask questions to be able to understand your options fully.

#5: Choose the best hearing aids for YOU.

The best hearing aids are not necessarily the most technologically advanced or the ones with the highest price tag. Yes, they do vary in cost as well as features. But ultimately, the best hearing aids are the ones that fit your needs, your lifestyle, and your budget.

#6: WEAR your new hearing aids!

This last step is a BIG one. In fact, if you do steps 1 through 5 but not #6, all the time, money, and energy you’ve invested in this entire process will be in vain. Hearing aids only work if you wear them! 

While this may sound overly simple, the sad truth is that some people do go through all the steps to getting hearing aids and then neglect to wear them. Why? Reasons vary, but the most common excuse is that the hearing aids ‘aren’t working’. If they really aren’t working, it may be time for new hearing aids. But, in reality, they may just need cleaning or some minor adjustments. 

Once you’ve followed all the steps to getting hearing aids and have chosen the best ones for you, keep them working well by visiting your audiologist regularly. With periodic hearing health check-ups, hearing changes can be picked up quickly and your hearing aids can be adjusted accordingly. 

Are you ready to hear well so you can live well? Simply schedule an appointment today and get started on the road to better hearing! 

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How to Survive the Holidays with Hearing Loss

Holidays with Hearing Loss

It has always been a challenge to make it through the holidays with hearing loss. Between parties at work, family gatherings, and shopping in busy stores, the hustle and bustle of the season can make hearing difficult.

This year, the holiday season will be different, but not necessarily in a good way. Thanks to social distancing guidelines in place due to COVID-19, there won’t be so many holiday parties, or they will at least be smaller. But, there’s one thing we’ve never had to deal with before when trying to survive the holidays with hearing loss … the mask!

7 Helpful Tips for Making it Through the Holidays With Hearing Loss

Mask or no mask, here are some ways to make sure you still get to enjoy this time of year and make the most of time spent with family and friends:

  1. Don’t keep your hearing loss secret. If you’re up front with your hearing loss, your friends and family will be sure to do what they can to help make gatherings easier.
  2. Turn down the music. Who doesn’t like the jolly tunes this time of year? Listening to holiday jingles creates a festive atmosphere, but the background noise can make it difficult for people with hearing loss. Keep the music down low to make communication easier, especially if everyone is wearing masks which already muffle voices.
  3. Sit close to those you’re conversing with. In a non-pandemic world, this one would be easy. But, with social distancing, it’s not so simple. If you’re gathering with others who are outside your normal circle, you may not be able to get very close to each other to converse. Instead, try sitting in a separate room or a quiet area where you can easily converse even while wearing a mask.
  4. Make sure your hearing aids are functioning well. You may have been worried about visiting your audiologist during the pandemic and put off hearing aid maintenance. Now is the time to make sure your devices are in good shape and properly adjusted. Also remember to keep fresh batteries with you so you don’t miss a moment.
  5. Put hearing technology on your wish list. Have you had your hearing aids for several years? Perhaps it’s time to see what’s new in the realm of hearing aid technology. Maybe you’ve been wanting smartphone hearing aids, for example. With everyone in the giving mood, this is the perfect time to put new hearing devices on your holiday wish list!
  6. Take a time out. A big part of surviving the holidays with hearing loss is making sure your brain doesn’t get overworked and you can stay alert. Constantly working to hear well takes its toll, making you more easily fatigued than your friends and family with normal hearing. Don’t be afraid to take a break to go somewhere quiet where you can rest!
  7. Practice effective virtual communication. If you’re unable to meet up with friends or family because of the pandemic, you may be meeting virtually instead. Be mindful of how this affects individuals with hearing loss and use effective virtual communication strategies.

Our Professionals Help You Prepare for the Holidays

Regardless of whether you’re traveling for the holidays or staying around home this year, our audiologists are ready to help. Schedule an appointment to make sure your hearing aids are ready for all the holidays will bring! Then, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy this merry season and never miss a moment. Happy Holidays!

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Are Hearing Loss and Accidental Falls Connected?

Hearing Loss and Accidental Falls

Researchers who study the effects of hearing loss have often found a connection between hearing changes and other health conditions. These include diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, obesity, and many others. Perhaps not as obvious, however, is a connection between hearing loss and accidental falls.

How hearing loss leads to increased fall risk

As we age, it’s not uncommon to experience difficulty with balance. This can result from weaker muscles and changes to the inner ear. But, recent research shows that hearing loss and accidental falls can be related, even if the hearing loss is only mild.

While research continues on the subject, one common theory to explain this phenomenon has to do with cognitive overload. People with poor hearing are under additional cognitive stress, constantly trying to take in and interpret auditory stimuli. This may reduce their alertness to other factors in their environment that could cause a fall. Simply put, the harder they have to work to hear, the less resources are available to put toward maintaining balance and preventing a fall.

5 tips for preventing accidental falls

Whether you have mild, moderate or severe hearing loss, or even no hearing loss at all, fall-proofing your home can keep you and your loved ones safe. Here are a few places to start:

  • Install and utilize handrails. Handrails should be on both sides of all stairways and grab bars can be useful by toilets and in the tub or shower. Be sure to use them!
  • Have adequate lighting. Hearing isn’t the only thing that changes as we age – vision does too! Make sure light switches are easily accessible and that there is the appropriate amount and quality of light in each room.
  • Clean up the clutter. Keep floors and walkways clear of obstacles that could interfere with safe foot travel.
  • Use no-slip flooring. That means saying goodbye to throw rugs, making sure the carpet is completely fastened down, and installing no-slip strips on hardwood, tile, or linoleum floors. It also helps to wear shoes with appropriate tread (which might NOT be your cozy slippers!) as you walk through your home.
  • Don’t climb on ladders or chairs. Instead, use a reach stick to get access to hard-to-reach items or ask for someone to help you.

Don’t let hearing loss go untreated

Since hearing loss and accidental falls go hand in hand, it’s also important to make sure your hearing loss gets treated. If you already wear hearing aids, that’s a step in the right direction. Research has shown that using hearing aids can improve both alertness and balance.

Hearing can continue to change over time, however, so be sure to schedule regular hearing evaluations with your audiologist. Even minor adjustments can make a huge difference in how well your hearing aids help you hear. And then, of course, there will be a time when you will need new hearing aids altogether. 

No matter what your hearing healthcare needs are now or in the future, our professional team of audiologists is ready to help. Schedule an appointment today and you’ll be well on your way to hearing better!

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How to Advocate For Your Deaf Child

Advocating for Your Deaf Child

As a parent of a deaf child, or one with hearing loss, you know that you want the best for them. Unfortunately, they may not actually get the best (of anything) unless you speak up. For optimal results, learning to advocate for your deaf child is a skill that should be learned early on in your child’s life.

What exactly is advocacy?

According to Merriam Webster, to advocate simply means to plead in favor of, or plead for the support for another individual or their cause. To advocate for your deaf child, then, means that you speak up on their behalf at home, at school, in the community, at work, or wherever their needs are not adequately being met.

Advocacy during the infant and toddler stages

If your child was born deaf, you likely found out through a newborn hearing screening. Or, if the deafness occurred as the result of a childhood illness or injury, they may have had a hearing test with an audiologist that proved the diagnosis.

Either way, learning to advocate for your deaf child in these early stages is important for their growth and development. Advocacy at this point can include:

  • Getting the proper diagnosis – The type of treatment your child should receive depends directly on the diagnosis. Additionally, having a specific (and correct) diagnosis can open the door to local or national support groups or resources.
  • Accessing the appropriate treatment – How your child’s hearing needs are treated during infancy or toddlerhood are critical for other areas of development, including language and learning.

How to advocate for your deaf child at school

The school environment can be extremely beneficial for children, but only if they have adequate access to resources that meet their individual needs. To successfully advocate for your deaf child, follow these helpful tips:

  • Learn as much as you can about your child’s condition and what resources are available to you.
  • Ask questions to your hearing healthcare provider, school administrators, teachers, and anyone else who regularly works with or treats your child. Ask what they are doing to help your child learn effectively, why they are using those methods, and if there is anything you can do at home to further the process.
  • Develop meaningful relationships with school and health professionals, as well as other parents of deaf children. This will give you insight into how others cope with hearing problems and possibly open your eyes to new solutions and resources.
  • Document your child’s progress, what was done and when, and make notes about what has worked well and what needs improvement.
  • Keep calm and learn how to advocate for your deaf child in a confident, assertive, but polite manner to maximize the benefit for your child.
  • Teach your child self-advocacy skills. These will be invaluable when your child reaches college age or even beyond, when it’s time to enter the workforce.

You don’t have to advocate for your deaf child alone.

It’s important to remember that you are not alone in wanting your child to succeed in school and in life. From school teachers, other parents, and the audiologists here at Advanced Hearing Group, there are many individuals rooting for your child. Learning to advocate for your deaf child is a process and we’d love to help you all along the way. Simply contact us if you have questions about treatment, services, or additional resources. We’re in this together!

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