Controlling the Volume: Teens and Hearing Loss

If you ask most teens, they feel like adults control too much of their life. Control of where they go, control of who they spend time with, control of doing their homework. There comes a time in a teenager or young adult’s life that they need to take some control of their own and learn valuable life lessons. One of the best lessons we can teach our teens and young adults is how to prevent hearing loss during these vital years so that they don’t have to suffer later in life. Noise-induced hearing loss is far too prevalent in our youth, the major culprit being the volume of ear buds and loud music in general. The decisions they make today will have a direct impact both now and later in life.

October is Protect Your Hearing Month, the perfect time to share the why’s and how’s with your teen. Unlike our aging population, hearing loss among teenagers is tied very closely to sounds that are completely within their control – ear buds, concerts, and crowds. But even more impactful are the effects of noise-induced hearing loss from the experience of teens and young adults themselves. It can affect dating and relationships, confidence, social life, employment, sports and recreation, schooling and many other aspects.

With one in ten people in the United States having a hearing loss, there are people of all ages with hearing loss, from mild to profound. One report even states that one in five teens now show some signs of slight hearing issues. This slight hearing loss can cause problems in school and set the stage for hearing aids in later life. There are a number of treatments and solutions, from hearing aids to aural rehabilitation, but the bottom line is that our teens need to know the facts about how to protect themselves from hearing loss that is completely preventable. Urge teens to follow the “60/60 Rule,” which means limiting the use of ear bud headphones to 60 minutes at a time and at 60% of the device’s maximum volume. When attending loud rock concerts with large crowds, we offer custom-fit ear molds that will protect their hearing and are fit to their individual size and shape.

Our audiologists are knowledgeable and are ready to help any teen who shows the signs and symptoms of hearing loss. Learn more at our page directed towards teen hearing health.

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